After sales assistance.

In our company the support to customers continue after the sales.

We offer a complete after sales service. We guarantee each machine keep the perfect performance during the years.

Immagine assistenza post-vendita
Icona assistenza in loco

Intervention .

Our qualified technicians are always ready to come directly in your company to solve any tye of problem, mechanic, electric or software issue. Our service team is equipped with the necessary skills and tools to guarantee a fast and quality service, ensuring as little downtime as possible.

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Remote assistance.

Thanks to the advanced Industry 4.0 technologies built into our machines, we can offer an efficent remote assistance. This approach allows us to diagnose and solve 90% of interventions remotely, minimising downtime. All this is made possible by the continuous exchange of information between machinery and software, allowing constant control of the production flow and efficent problem solving.

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Spare parts for each type of machine.

Thanks to our complete archive of technical drawings, we are able to supply spare parts for old machines, ensuring that every customer finds what they need to keep their equipment in perfect condition. This includes spare parts for all brands such as Gregori, Salin, Zambon and CMPI.

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